CPG & Retail, Market Research, Research and Information Services

Market Assessment of contract management for a leading clothing brand

Market Assessment of contract management for a leading clothing brand

For clothing brands to understand their target customers and identify the latest trends and consumer preferences in the retail and fashion industry, a constant assessment of the market is highly crucial. Our client, a leading player in the Indian branded retail, textile, and apparel industry, wanted to understand the contract manufacturing space to take strategic next steps toward their business expansion objectives.


The firm sought to collaborate with us to conduct a primary and desk research study to provide timely insights into the contract manufacturing market overview, market size, drivers, trends, competition, and supply chain processes for contract manufacturers in the Indian apparel market.


Through our competitive analysis, Netscribes helped the apparel brand better understand the contract manufacturing space in India and the most preferred countries for contract manufacturers in readymade apparel. Insights from our market assessment of its rival clothing brands enabled them to navigate the competitive landscape and make strategic business moves to drive growth and success.


Download the case study to learn how the firm gained unique and strategic insights into its niche through Netscribes’ market research services.

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