A spectrum of businesses today are using neuromarketing by tracking consumer eye movements to understand how customers interact with their products. This information is then used to improve sales by adjusting marketing techniques and product ...

You might have come across many cloud success stories wherein businesses have saved millions and brought in process efficiencies. But cloud use cases are not limited to boardroom discussions and presentations, they is also helping busine...

Ground transportation networks are being strained as a result of increased urbanization and traffic in megacities with growing populations. Possibilities exist for a quicker, safer, cleaner, and more integrated transportation system by taking...

“One of the leading Fortune 500 manufacturing enterprises, successfully tackled supply chain challenges by implementing a Hyperconnected Ecosystem. By integrating smart sensors and Internet of Things (IoT) devices, they gained real-time vis...

An intelligent transportation system is a combination of advanced applications that aims to provide innovative services relating to different modes of transport and traffic management. It helps users to be better informed and make transportat...

The energy sector is undergoing a remarkable transformation that extends beyond its industry borders. As oil and gas companies increasingly focus on sustainability and waste management, new trends are emerging to drive change globally. To she...

The field of molecular diagnostics has experienced remarkable advancements, revolutionizing how diseases are detected and diagnosed. While traditional diagnostic methods often lack precision, speed, and accuracy, the advent of molecular diagn...

In an age where e-commerce is thriving, user-generated content such as product reviews and comments influences consumer behavior more than ever. The need to moderate this content is crucial for maintaining the integrity of platforms and ensur...

More than 45% of the world’s gross domestic product (GDP) is driven by the mining industry, either directly or through the use of products that help other industries. Also, the mining and quarrying industry makes up about 2.5% of the GD...

Cancer is a significant global health problem characterized by the uncontrolled proliferation, growth, and invasion of cancer cells beyond their usual boundaries into nearby tissues. It substantially threatens public health worldwide, leading...

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