Pharmaceutical companies historically encountered various obstacles in developing orphan drugs and technology support, targeting rare diseases affecting a small portion of the population. Limited financial incentives posed a significant chall...

Medical devices comprise a vast array of products and are considered an essential part of the healthcare industry. They are used in the diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment of various health disorders. For those players closing watching the m...

Many consumers feel confused and overburdened by the huge and constantly evolving field of health. As we move into 2024, changes in lifestyle, technological breakthroughs, and greater consciousness about well-being consciousness will continue...

The field of molecular diagnostics has experienced remarkable advancements, revolutionizing how diseases are detected and diagnosed. While traditional diagnostic methods often lack precision, speed, and accuracy, the advent of molecular diagn...

Cancer is a significant global health problem characterized by the uncontrolled proliferation, growth, and invasion of cancer cells beyond their usual boundaries into nearby tissues. It substantially threatens public health worldwide, leading...

In today’s dynamic healthcare landscape, the challenge of data segregation persists, hindering progress and innovation. To address these challenges, generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a groundbreaking technology in h...

The twenty-first century has witnessed several major infectious disease epidemics that have had a profound impact on global populations, causing widespread morbidity and mortality. From the outbreaks of SARS coronavirus, swine flu, MERS coron...

The healthcare industry is evolving at lightning speed. With the rise in the usage of artificial intelligence in healthcare, the growing emphasis on patient engagement, and the shift towards value-based care, we are witnessing a paradigm shif...

Advancement in artificial intelligence (AI) technology has created multiple opportunities for business houses to incorporate AI-based tech (digital humans) into their business. Numerous companies across multiple industries have started adapti...

Executing a strong go-to-market strategy that reduces cost and risk are critical for a company eager to achieve a successful product launch. The global medical devices market attained a value of about USD 462 billion in 2020. The market is ex...

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