Product research is the secret to building products that customers love.  Backed by insights gathered from qualitative and quantitative research, it allows companies to build products that meet customer needs, have a good market fit, and...

In February of 2022, the FDA reached out to manufacturers- Best Brand Consumer Products, notifying them of the results of the testing of their products: two varieties of hand sanitizers sold to children. With a Disney-themed packaging (featur...

Given that the customer is king, obtaining and acting on their feedback sets a company for success. The question is, how do you influence customers to provide constructive feedback in the face of reduced response rates and survey fatigue. The...

Did you know that merely a 5% increase in customer retention can increase company revenue by up to 95%? Customer retention is extremely important and valuable to a company. Once customers become repeat buyers, you can build lasting relationsh...

When it comes to transforming consumers, the secret to more sales is understanding consumer behavior and learning what your shoppers want from your business. Understanding, analyzing, and keeping an eye on consumer behavior is crucial for com...

Growing consumer consciousness has boosted green consumerism. Consumers today are increasingly adopting sustainable consumption habits, evaluating their purchase choices and preferring brands that are more eco-friendly.   The 12th goal u...

The current pandemic has not only disrupted routine lives across the globe but has also disarrayed operations for industries across sectors. As economies grapple with repercussions from sudden shifts in workspaces, technology, and unprecedent...

The coronavirus has affected businesses worldwide, and the Indian retail industry is no exception. The country is experiencing one of the longest and the most stringent lockdowns in the world, posing unique challenges for stakeholders across ...

In a dynamic business environment, if you’re not measuring your customer satisfaction on a regular basis, you’re likely already behind. Customer expectations are constantly evolving. Moreover, increased competition and innovation are chan...

In a highly volatile market environment, companies are under pressure to innovate to maintain their competitive edge. Innovation is crucial for continuous growth, facilitating better services and operations, and adding value to customers. Sma...

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