The lack of product and service knowledge on the sales frontlines is one of the worst nightmares for a salesperson. While working with outdated models of business development has often been the culprit in such situations, battle cards are a quick way out of this. Enter battle cards and the situation is radically different—all of a sudden, filtering the right information for your target audience becomes child’s play, for you and your prospects.
Acing sales battles
Whether you are selling a product or offering a service, information is the foremost vehicle used to convince consumers of a product or service’s value. With a slew of companies competing for mindshare often with similar products or services, competitive battle cards are a handy tool to help make your product or service stand out. This is especially the case in the B2B sector where only 14% of customers make a decision based on product differentiators.
Competitive battle cards provide a comparative representation of multiple companies within the same sector, based on several parameters such as product features and functionalities. From demographics and segment-centric solutions to success stories, this handy sales tool is capable of delivering relevant data for an informed decision, all in one place.
Converting sales pitches
It goes without saying that battle cards can help seal deals and boost sales. That being said, presenting a competitive edge can be a tricky task as it necessitates thorough market analysis and advanced domain understanding. At the end of the day, however, these tools come to a sales representative’s rescue with answers to questions oft-asked by prospective customers.
Interestingly, battle cards can also draw attention to your social proofing triumphs. Social proofing sets a great battle card apart from good ones. Social proofing strategies involve tools ranging from testimonials and reviews to tests and product validations and are perfect additions for products to gain sway over their counterparts.
The Netscribes road to efficient battle cards
At Netscribes, we develop battle cards that let you deliver a winning sales pitch to a prospective client and close more deals. With a customer-centric battle card development model, we ensure that only relevant buyer insights are included and no numbers are thrown around just for the sake of doing so.
For further information on how to incorporate battle cards into your sales strategies, click here or drop a line at