4 steps to create a rich content strategy for maximizing e-commerce conversions

Product content is at the heart of e-commerce customer engagement and sales. For brands to ace the game, a rich content strategy is essential. Why rich? Think of it in this way. Product content is like your sales executive convincing a prospect at a store. Apart from rattling off about product details like price, quality, features, and benefits, the only way a salesperson can make a real difference is by communicating in a way that resonates with the customer. That’s what rich content can do for your products online.

Evocative descriptions, engaging bullet points, high-quality graphics that offer an experience rather than a product are all great examples of purchase-triggering content. With competition growing globally, brands eager to unearth innovative conversion strategies are increasingly turning to rich content to achieve their goals.

However, in order to realize the maximum potential on their rich content strategy, brands must invest in a multi-faceted customer and competitive analysis. Insights derived from such analysis will help optimize efforts and gear them for e-commerce success. We discuss this below with relevant excerpts from a pertinent use case:

Competitive benchmarking

Knowing how your products measure up against your peers is key. A competitive analysis across relevant parameters can juxtapose the real reasons behind prospects choosing your rival’s product over yours and vice versa. It could also help uncover features within your own product you considered a given, but your competitors are leveraging to their benefit. Furthermore, a competitive benchmarking activity can equip online brands with tangible insights to mold a distinctive position in the minds of customers and the industry at large. All these data points put together will unlock a goldmine of insights to power your rich content strategy.

content competitive analysis

Content gap analysis

The e-commerce space lacks standardization at various levels. This is making it difficult for brands to understand why their product is not performing at par if not better than their peers online. In fact, one study reports that an estimated 30% of all the products bought online are returned, as compared to 9% bought through brick-and-mortar stores. For time-strapped online shoppers, a product’s content is the only way to “experience” it. Brands must strive hard to fill up any possible information gaps so as to ensure they leave no potential questions unanswered. A content gap analysis provides brands with a panoramic view of the kind of information their rivals are doling out and the formats are they employing. Capturing, analyzing, and mirroring these trending approaches will eventually gear them to craft rich, customer-centric product descriptions and visuals.

content gap analysis

Customer insights

In an age where customers like to live by their own personal truths, brands need to be attuned to the conversations garnered by their products. Here’s where online customer reviews come in. Offering a treasure-trove of insights, these reviews can aid in understanding:

  • If the product is perceived by the buyer as intended
  • Features that matter most to the buyer
  • Ease or difficulty in the product’s usage
  • Whether or not the buyer thinks it’s value for money

A deep dive into the top e-commerce websites can arm brands with inputs for a razor-sharp rich content strategy. Additionally, it will also help mitigate their online reputation concerns. 

SEO analysis

While rich content means whipping out experiential and response-triggering product descriptions, the entire exercise can fall flat without proper search engine optimization. For prospects to find you online, your product and meta descriptions must be infused with the right combination of keywords that drive searches. From generic to product category and brand-specific keywords, brands that consciously pepper these into their content will witness the difference. A granular SEO analysis focused on your target geography can distill these keyword sets, to finally help you create fresh, unique and compelling content – one that gets quickly indexed by search engines.

Rich content backed with such in-depth insights can breathe new life into a brand’s product content and consumer share. By partnering with a content agency that possesses the creative expertise and experience to deliver such insight-driven product detail pages, you can gear your business for e-commerce success.

A slew of B2B and B2C e-commerce brands have collaborated with Netscribes to increase their online visibility and sales through rich product content and graphics. We have helped both global behemoths and small-scale manufacturers alike, to capitalize on the digital opportunity with a research-driven approach. Want to know how your business can benefit from our e-commerce solutions? Write to us at info@netscribes.com.